Russia: Politics Overview

Government Structure Russia exercises the Russian Federation and presents a government body which includes the appointment of the Prime Minister (by the President), the President (which is not a part of the government), and several cabinet members and offices. Located in Moscow, the Russian government has been established since 1993 and practices its own Constitution … Continue reading Russia: Politics Overview

Israel: Politics Overview

Government Structure Israel’s government is structured as a parliamentary democracy with legislative power vested in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Israel’s executive branch consists of a cabinet selected by the Knesset and led by a Prime Minister, the Israeli head of government. Israel also has a President, the ceremonial and apolitical head of state, also elected … Continue reading Israel: Politics Overview

Germany: Politics Overview

Government Structure German political power is divided between a federal government and state level administration. Executive power at the federal level is held by a Chancellor and Government responsible to the Bundestag, the German Parliament. German legislative power is held between the Bundestag and Bundesrat. The Bundestag is formed of members elected every four years … Continue reading Germany: Politics Overview

Britain: Politics Overview

Government Structure Britain is a constitutional monarchy governed primarily by a bicameral parliament and cabinet seated in Westminster in London. The British parliament is composed of a house of commons and a house of Lords with only the former holding considerable political power. There are 785 members of the house of lords and 650 members … Continue reading Britain: Politics Overview

France: Politics Overview

Government Structure France is governed by a semi-presidential parliamentary form of government. Executive power is shared between a directly elected president and a government elected by parliament and led by a Prime Minister. Parliament, which holds the country’s legislative power is bicameral, consisting of a Senate and National Assembly. The Senate contains 348 seats held … Continue reading France: Politics Overview